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Entries in Jim (49)


The current debate. - what will the outcome be?

I'm debating on whether to have breakfast here right now, or to wait until Lynx gets up and take him to Abby's.


The way things are at this moment

For the moment, all is good. Margie is back home a day early, Lynx radiates his brightness and light all about the house and Jim, the good black cat, watches over all.


Let's see if this self-portrait with black cat posts*

I feel a little badly. True, Margie has come home a day earlier than I expected and has brought Lynx with her and that is good. I am happy about it. But I feel bad I so falsely claimed to be all alone in this house during the days she spends in Anchorage babysitting Lynx. Of course I am not alone! Sorry, Jim. Chicago, I apologize to you, too.

And all you tropical fish…

*I'll be... it did post the pic - on the first try. Maybe Squarespace has made the fix. They haven't notified me yet, but maybe they did make the fix and are cautiously holding their breath to see if it really takes. I hope so and in that hope I am not going to run the longer story of explanation, unless I soon learn I really need to.


In zombie mode, with cats

I am in zombie mode today. Don't expect much from me. While Chicago, the calico cat, never greets me at the door when I return the way Jim does, she always appears a bit later and then follows me wherever I go. She uses me for a chair, for a bed, for a pillow. She wants to be with me all the time.

Jim does too. These are real buds, these two cats.


Uiñiq is at press

Uiñiq is at press. Remember how I stated that you can have a job 99% done and then that last one percent can take forever? Well, in this case, it was the last .001% - since before I left for Nuiqsut last time! See, no matter what, it just ain't done until it's done and there's just all kinds of tiny, niggling, little things to be done even after it looks done and anyone who has never done something like this even has a clue, but it's true! But it's done now. It's at press. I kind of hated to let it go, but to get it printed I had to.

Once these things are printed, months can pass by before I can open one up and take a real look at it. I think there are some issues I have never really looked at. In fact, I have never really looked at most of the Uiñiqs I have made. That's true for most of the many other publications I have made as well.

Thank you Jimmy. I couldn't have done it without you and your help. Throughout it all, you have always been here with me at my computer, encouraging me to press on even when I feel like it's hopeless and I can go no further. What a great cat you are!

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