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Entries in Jim (49)


Uiñiq is 99 percent done - but that last one percent...

Uiñiq Magazine is 99% done. That last one percent can be a real struggle for me to complete as it seems like no matter what I do, there is always one more task I need to do and then one more after that, and one more after that… it can feel impossible. Thank goodness for Jim, my good black cat! He has taken up his workstation between my keyboard and the images I must adjust and convert to CMYK on my computer screen. Jim is doing all he can to smooth out the process for me.

I have taken great pains to keep the images in Uiñiq out of the public eye until the magazine actually comes out. The secton of face behind Jim is only a tiny, tiny, cut-out from a much larger image. I don't think it gives anything vital away. In fact, it might increase interest by making Uiñiq readers more curious to see what the full picture is going to look like when they finally see the magazine.


Jimmy takes his afternoon drink

Having so far put in a good hard work day, Jimmy was in need of a drink. He jumped up onto the edge of the 90 gallon aquarium and started to drink. I wasn't paying any attention, as I know he needs his water and this happens every now and then throughout the day. Suddenly, I realized that the office train was going to pass right over him as he drank, but my phone was a little ways away. By the time I could get it and turn the camera on, Jimmy had finished his drink and was jumping off the tank. Jimmy prefers water with a bit of fish flavor to it.


Groggy and listless, I face the day ahead

My breakfast is eaten, my coffee is drank. I am back home, in my office with Jim my good black cat having already taken up his work position. How am I? My head still feels groggy. I feel kind of dull-headed and listless, I wonder how I'm going to do what needs to be done today. I don't feel like I can do it.

Truth is, this is how I feel every morning. I never feel like I can do it. Yet, somehow, it always seems to get done sooner or later. So I guess I will do it. This is basically where I will spend my day. I will take a short walk, I will take a coffee break this afternoon. Sometime in the evening, if I have enough done, I will take a little bike ride to get some exercise. I will watch no TV today. I will not go to Anchorage as I did the last four days. I will just stay right here. I don't think I will be taking and posting anywhere near so many iPhone photos as I did yesterday.

It's going to be Jimmy and me today, sitting right here, trying to clean up and finish off this magazine so I can take it to press before the week ends.


Jimmy escapes, leads me to three boys who are somewhere else

It's always a struggle for me to get back to work after I return from Anchorage, especially on a roasting day like today, but finally I did. No sooner had I started to work, then Margie called through the window to inform me that Jim had gone out. So I had to get up and go search for him, but I found him with Margie at the far end of the house. He had not been outside since a few weeks ago when I discovered robins had nested in the backyard. The robins are gone now and so I decided to let him roam around a bit, which meant I had to stay outside in the scorching 80° weather for a while to watch him. Kalib had gone boating with his uncle Caleb, Jobe had gone home with his mom and dad and Lynx and was in the house raising hell. Yet thanks to Jimmy, I would soon find all three in the backyard, as you will see in my next three posts - to follow during Longmire commercial breaks.


Jim, my good black cat, wants to go surfing

"Let's go surfing "Jimmy says. "Let's go surfing right now!"

"Cat, what nonsense do you speak?" I answer. "You don't even like to swim!"

Jimmy looks at me with disgust. "Did I say 'let's go swimming?' No! I said 'let's go surfing!' I can surf without ever going swimming. Can't you?"

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