Logbook entry: I follow the turtles from Hawaii to Nuiqsut and find Hawaii will follow all the way to the Kivgiq dance floor

Earlier on the day that Rex and Cortney wed, Margie was almost desperate to see our grandchildren, so she
Running Dog Publications
Earlier on the day that Rex and Cortney wed, Margie was almost desperate to see our grandchildren, so she
In fact, those burgers were delicious. Superb! Right up there with the best burgers I have ever eaten. Expensive, too. Waikiki, within bow and arrow range of the beach.
The fries were pretty good, too.
They didn't have Pepsi. They had Coke. So I drank iced lemonade tea.
Soon, we will board the Alaska Airlines jet that will take us back to Alaska.
My next post will be the wedding.
Margie and I ventured off by ourselves today and headed north. We did not look at a map