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Entries in Glenn Highway (7)


On the day that Nelson Mandela died I drove to Anchorage on icy roads through freezing rain to bring home my beloved

Note: I originally prepared this as the first post in new Squarespace 6 blog I had planned to launch at this same address, to include all the work I have done in this Squarespace 5 blog. But things went wrong. I have asked Squarespace to refund the money I spent on the new blog and am bringing my Squarespace blogging to a permanent end, save for the upcoming holiday post referenced above. I do not want this post to go to waste and so have transferred it from the new Squarespace 6 blog that now never will be to being an archive, at this same address. While much of what it says no longer applies, I leave it just as I prepared it for the new, canceled, blog"

This is the first post I am putting up in the new Squarespace 6 blog. At least, I hope I am putting it up. As regular readers know, I have been running a

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This blog is about to drive off into unknown territory - could charge off a cliff and disappear for awhile

A bit earlier, I put together what will be my first Squarespace 6 blog post. Before I publish it it, I need to import this blog into that blog so that they become the same blog. I also need to switch my blog address, logbookwasilla.com, from this blog to the new Squarespace 6 blog - once this blog is imported to it. Before doing this, I had a number of questions I had posed as long as 34 hours ago to the Squarespace tech assigned to help me . Finally, after 33 hours, he answered the questions. He knows his stuff and the appearance problem that had so baffled me all this time was solved instantly.

The big questions and fears I had regarding the import of this blog to the new blog were answered. Once that import is complete and I switch the domain from here to there, this blog will disappear for a time before the new one comes up - perhaps as long as 72 hours, but likely and hopefully for a much shorter period of time.

I now have a new problem. I have tried five times to begin the import process and five times it has failed within a few seconds. I have been very deliberate to enter my information correctly. Once again, everything is stalled for the moment.

I have sent a request to Squarespace for help. Hopefully, I will hear back from them soon. Hopefully, it will not take 33 hours to get a response this time.



Icy roads, an unexpected drive to Anchorage with vehicles overturning and a tech I cannot reach mean my new blog cannot launch before tomorrow

No schoolbuses prowled the streets of Wasilla or Anchorage today. We have experiened a spectacular warm-up, with temperatures out here climbing from the -20 F range to 30 above. The warmth brought rain. The rain froze. The roads became icy and dangerous. School was canceled. Lavina had planned to bring Margie home this afternoon and I was glad. I have much to do before we leave for Arizona Saturday night and I especially wanted to get this new Squarespace 6 blog up and running. I was very close, but had a few other things to do first. Just as I was about to turn my attention to Squarespace 6, Margie called. Lavina did not feel comfortable to drive the icy roads – especially since they would've had to bring Kalib and Lynxton along for the ride.

Margie wanted me to come and get her. She has much to do as well. I wanted to stay put and get these things done, but I could not leave my wife stranded in Anchorage. And, to be honest, given the conditions, if she had to come I did not want any one but me to drive her and I did not want Lynxton and Kalib on the road.

It was a scary drive - vehicles sliding off the road all over the place, a few overturning. According to the news, 90 vehicles wound up "in distress" and there were 45 accidents, several involving injuries, but no reports of deaths. The news reports say nothing of serious or critical injuries – just injuries. I do not know what the outcome was here on the Glenn Highway in front of Eagle River as I drove in.

It took hours to get back home. I was frazzled. I had to take a break. Finally, I turned my attention to Squarespace 6. I got so close, but encountered a strange appearance problem I could not solve without the tech's help. I am glad he is helping me, but he can take hours and hours and hours and hours and hours to respond. I posed the question to him hours ago, but I doubt I will hear from him before tomorrow and it is after midnight now, so my blog is not going up tonight. Consider this a preview of what will be in it tomorrow, as I intend to make the first post a multiple picture post, focused on my trip over icy roads to town and back on the day that Nelson Mandela died.

It will be old news by tomorrow, but still I will post it.


Logbook, Wasilla to Barrow, entry 1: On the drive to Ted Stevens International Airport, I see The Daily School Bus

The original text for this has disappeared. Oh well. The essence was that I left Wasilla about 2:35 hours before I was scheduled to depart Ted Stevens International Airport for Barrow. It usually takes close to one hour to reach the airport from our house, but the highway was so slick and scary that it took an hour and 40 to 45 minutes. This put me at the airport in the danger zone where one can miss their flight. But I got on.

I Instagrammed this on the plane and tried to post the picture with a "More Later" title just as they made us turn our phones off. I had hoped the picture would post, but it didn't until after I landed in Barrow and entered a wi-fi environment.


Text added at 8:55 PM. The Squarespace nightmare continues - day 51 and counting.


Bike on the highway

I just dropped Margie off to babysit for most of the rest of the week, and now I'm at the Carr's gas station in Eagle River. I passed this dude on my way here.