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On a snowy, blustery. day I drive Margie to town to babysit Lynx; Suji's trip to Kenya is delayed, but still on

After snowing almost constantly Friday, Saturday and most of Sunday, the skies completely cleared last night. As there were no clouds to hold in the heat, I speculated to Margie that it would get cold overnight, but then the sun would shine Monday and the snow would begin to melt.

But this morning it was snowing again. The temperature stood at 8 degrees (-13) C - a lot warmer than what I had experienced on the Slope these past couple of weeks, but cool enough for April-time Wasilla. I drove Margie to Anchorage, so she could babysit Lynxton. It was a scary drive.

But I did get to see Lynxton and Thomas and Lavina. That was good.

But only for a few minutes, then I was headed home again. What's crazy when it's like this is that one moment you will have reasonably decent visibility of maybe 200 yards or so and the next you will be lucky to see 100 feet in front of you. In one lane you will come upon a car going five miles per hour and in the next lane another will shoot by you, doing 60 or 70.

But I made it home okay. Then I heated up the leftover spaghetti I wrote about in my last post and ate it for lunch. It was hot and it was good.

A note about Suji's trip to Kenya. It is still on, although obviously she did not go in March. For reasons of job and finance, she had to postpone a bit but still plans to go. Thanks to generous readers, this blog has contributed $500 toward her expenses. She says that combined with other donations she has received from other sources and the money she herself will put into the trip, this will be enough and I need not fundraise any further for her.

Just the same, I am going to leave the "Help Sujitha get to Kenya" button and the PayPal link up for at least a little while longer - if for no other reason than the fact that I like seeing the picture of Suji and Sandy smiling back at me whenever I open up this blog. Those of you who contributed will soon hear personally from Sujitha. It is not her fault, but mine, that you haven't already.

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