Logbook Photo Store -The daily take

I Wish It Were Me Up There
April 15, 2012
I carry a camera with me always, and every day I photograph at least one thing. Although I know there will be days when I do not succeed at posting one in the photo store, this will be my goal. I photographed this one earlier today while walking on Gail.
I will give myself some latitude and will allow myself to include any image taken within a week of the present day, should it seem appropriate. I will leave each daily take photo up for two weeks only and then take it down. If nobody buys one in that time, it's okay. I don't really expect most of them to sell, but if one or two does now and then, great.
Prices: 13 x 19 Velvet Fine Art Print - $300, 11 x 14, Heavy Weight Matte Print - $150. 8.5 x 11 Print, Matte - $50. Shipping and handling, $7.00.
Raven flies at breakup time
April 16, 2012
This character is pretty smart. I know it, because it's a raven - so it's smart. In a contest, tt will outsmart you. It will outsmart me.
A raven even outsmarted Albert. Albert Einstein, that is. Showed him that relativity was not so relative, after all.
It Must Be Spring
As I drove down Spruce, I saw small groups of high school aged runners coming by. It must be spring. It must be track season.