Logbook Photo Store: cat section.

Uncle Clyde and kitty Royce
I have a plethora of cat pictures - cats who live or have lived with us; cats from all over Alaska; cats from about 26 states and a few Canadian territories and provinces; cats from Russia, the UK, India.
One of our first cats was Clyde, who came as a kitten-gift to Caleb from a highschool girlfriend. Clyde was as naughty and bad as a cat could be, but he was sweet, too, and boy, did he love kittens. He couldn't father any himself, but he was an Uncle to all.
As for Royce, in his old age, he became an uncle to Kalib, whom he loved dearly.
I will post a new cat photo from time to time. I don't really believe that there are many people out there who will be willing to pay $300 for even a fine art 13 x 19 print of a cat. I considered lowering the price to something people might pay, but that felt like an insult to cats. I do not want to insult cats.
So maybe I won't sell any 13 x 19 cat prints. If I don't, well, okay. If I do, good for me, and good for the buyer. Maybe I won't even sell any 11 x 14's. I hope I sell some 8 x 10's, anyway.
Maybe I will add dogs and horses into the mix at some point. I've got plenty of dogs and a fair number of horses. Fish, too. A lizard here and there - other critters as well.
But for me, the cat is at the top. Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway knew this. I know it, too. And so does the cat.
Prices: 13 x 19 Velvet Fine Art Print - $300, 11 x 14, Heavy Weight Matte Print - $150. 8.5 x 11 Print, Matte - $50. Shipping and handling, $7.00.