A blog by Bill Hess

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Four signs of impending spring

I took my walk just before lunch and it was chilly out there - probably mid to low teens. But some branches had been knocked off a few trees and damaged. There was green coming out of their wounds and buds held leaves that almost came to be.

Fluffy little kitties played up in the pussy willows.









And when I stopped at Metro Cafe, Kristina handed me my coffee behind bright, flourescent red nails.

As I drank the coffee from my car, I saw the middle school runners of spring. The temperature had warmed up into the 30's. Snow was melting.

So spring is truly coming.

Down in Arizona, Margie reached the reservation today. At Hon-Dah in the White Mountains, where she is staying with her sister, LeeAnn, it was snowing.

So there you go.

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