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80 degrees, high winds and flying dust; sleepy, preachy, dollar bill shows up at Metro - Carmen can't get rid of it

Early this morning, I drove Margie into Anchorage so she could catch Alaska Airlines all the way to Phoenix. As I drove home, I passed this little plow blowing snow off the bike trail in the Eagle River - Chugiak area. Margie called tonight. It was 80 degrees down there, the wind was blowing and dust was flying through the air. She and her sister LeeAnn are spending the night in Phoenix and will drive up to the rez tomorrow. It won't be so hot up there in the White Mountains as in Phoenix. 

When I pulled up to the Metro window today, Carmen showed me this dollar bill. Someone had used it to pay for their coffee a couple of weeks ago. Then Carmen gave it in change to another customer. Today, still another customer used it to buy coffee from Carmen.

This is the other side of the same bill. If it is too much of a struggle for you to read it here, it says: "When God pushes you over the edge of difficulty trust him fully because two things will happen either he'll catch you when you fall or he'll teach you to."

If this bill should appear in your wallet or purse, drive right over to Metro Cafe and use it to buy coffee.

Reader Comments (2)

Countries with plastic banknotes miss a lot of philosophy. And telephone numbers.

April 17, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterViva

Bill! You'd make somebody very happy if their bill got found in Alaska. Next time enter that baby on www.wheresgeorge.com. That one was from Denver. Scott, 21,600 bills found, 15 in Alaska

April 17, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterScott

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