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Three boys appear in the back seat; they watch a train charge about my office

I drove to Anchorage yesterday to pick Margie up from her babysitting duties. When I got back into the car to drive back to Wasilla, I looked behind me and was startled to see three little boys buckled in, ready to come with us. I thought about kicking them out into the snow, but it was the first time I had seen the older two boys since sometime before I left to go north back in March and I had only seen Lynx for a moment when I dropped Margie off on Monday.

I decided to let them come.

Plus, for months now, the boys, Kalib in particular, have been coming into my office and begging me to run my train, but I have not been able to, because the engine went bad. So, yesterday, before I picked them up, I went to the hobby store and bought a new engine. Soon after I returned home, I had the train running again.

I brought the boys in. Kalib glanced at the train as it ran around the top of my office. "I don't want to see the train," he said. Then he headed toward the door. "Sorry, Grampa!" he said as he stepped through it.

I was not dismayed. I knew he had to make a statement but would soon be back to watch the train.

Sure enough, he soon came back and brought his grandma with him.

The boys watched the train and watched the train and watched the train.

For awhile, I did not think I was ever going to be able to get back to work again.

Truth is, I am toying with the idea of taking the day off, or taking segments of it off. I have too much to do and can't afford the offtime, but I want to hang out with these little rascals, too.

Reader Comments (5)

Good thing you took a break! The boys will all be happy now :)

April 12, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSuji

Those pictures need to be framed! What will you do if there is another baby? Tie it to the roof! :-) Grandma and her boys watching the train is precious! Thanks for sharing them with us!

April 12, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMrs Gunka

love those Boys, they grow so fast

April 12, 2013 | Unregistered Commentertwain12

I can't wait to see those babies :)
Give then hugs & smooches...

April 13, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMom of grandsons

That's odd about finding the three little boys in the back seat of your vehicle. Odder yet is the fact that they all look as if they could be related...
If only you were a detective instead of a photographer. This mystery will NEVER be solved.

April 14, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterdebby

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