An omelette, sent with love; the Daily Moose returns for one day and so do insults flung at me by horses

I ate breakfast at Abby's this morning. Margie didn't come. She was not feeling well. So I bought an omelette to bring home for her. Abby's daughter Emily wrote a message to her on the omelette box.
Remember when I used to post "The Daily Moose?" I haven't been doing it for awhile, even though I have been seeing plenty of moose. Well, here's one from today, from my car on my coffee break.
"Hey Bill!" Black Horse #2 shouted at me. "What the hell kind of photographer are you? You can't even get four horses in sharp focus."
"I wasn't trying to focus on you horses," I shouted back. "I was trying to focus on the fence wires, with just the right amount of motion blue thrown in, for proper artistic effect."
"Sure you were, Bill," Brown horse #2 neighed in, "Sure you were."
You may not believe this, but when I passed this snow plow, I looked through the window and saw that Black Horse #1 was driving.
I was so shocked I drove off the road into a snowbank and that's why I didn't get a picture.
I could hear that horse sniggering as he looked into his rear view mirror and saw me stuck in the snowbank.
Reader Comments (4)
those darn Horses !! I hope Margie is feeling better
Thank you for my morning smiles! Hope Margie is feeling better.
Love those horses! teehee. Get well Margie! Nice fence!
Mahoney's horses are unforgiveably rude. Tim does not look like someone who would take that sort of disrespect. I'm surprised he hasn't straightened them out by now.
Hope Margie feels better.