Shame! Shame! Airplane passes over two boys in white trunks; two boys watch Thomas on TV

It was a true shame. Come 3:45 AM, I had actually fallen into a sound sleep when my iPhone suddenly started to play a loud piano blues riff - over and over until I finally reached over and turned the damned thing off. I hadn't gotten to sleep until about 1:30, and then, right up until shortly before the alarm went off, I had only slept fitfully.
I got up, though, swore a bit and then drove into Anchorage so I could be at the Alaska Airlines Goldstreak office right when they opened at 5:00 so I could send some photographic prints to Barrow on the 6:05 AM flight.
I had another, very important appointment in Anchorage at 2:30 PM, so once I got the Goldstreak off, I drove to Melanie's, let myself in, curled up on her couch with Poof, the black cat and got some sporadic but very pleasant sleep. I felt as though I never wanted to get up. Never.
Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. I just wanted to stay there forever, with the black cat lying on top of me and sleep through eternity.
But I had that 2:30 appointment. So I did get up. Not long afterward, I came upon these two guys, who wanted me to know it had been a true shame for me to have to get up so early. They were in full sympathy with me.
I had no money for breakfast, just as I had no money for the gas that brought me into town or for the Goldstreak shipment, but I did have a new credit card that we activated just the other day so we could survive until someone finally delivers one of several checks that I have been expecting every day, in some cases for weeks now. Happily, the prints I sent off today will bring in a check real soon and I believe I will receive one of the other checks I have been waiting for tomorrow and this will make everything seem a little better.
By now, it was too late to get breakfast at McDonald's, so I went to IHOP, used the credit card again and ate breakfast there.
Then I wandered around a little bit, stopped at a street light and saw this airplane pass over these boys.
I am pretty sure this picture will win all kinds of awards, be hung mural size at MOMA in New York and will bring in $3 million or so cash all by itself and then I won't have to worry about money anymore.
I made the 2:30 appointment right on time. I hoped we would get all that we needed to accomplish at that appointment done and over with by 3:30, so I could head right home and get back to work on a project that I have already put a great deal of time into and hoped to finalize tonight. But it took until 6:00 PM.
Then I came home, and found Kalib and Jobe watching Thomas the Train and His Friends. They are staying with us all week while their parents and Lynxton hang out in Seattle on a work-related trip.
As for that 2:30 appointment, it is going to lead to something major, something I will use to launch a whole new blog series - one that I hope will prove interesting. I am not going to say anything about the subject matter until Friday, when it becomes reality and I launch the new series.
Please don't expect much out of me here between now and Friday, either, because I have lots to do.
Reader Comments (5)
I look forward to your news Bill. Keeping my fingers crossed for the 3M.
good luck with the new blog series
what a drag - money worries! me too. i think money is the only area you're lacking in - everything else is going great as far as family, health, and talent!
Looking forward to hearing about the major development!
I appreciate the good words and encouragement. I think I did not introduce the fact that I plan to start a new essay Friday very well. I have clarified a bit in today's post.