Happy birthday, Dan- who stopped with his daughter, Ruth, as I was walking today to say, "Hi!"

When I go out walking, it is always good to come across friendly people - and I have actually come across many friendly people over the years, people who always stop and say, "hi," when they see me walking. Sometimes, even when I am riding my bike they wave and I stop and we talk. Yes, there are a tiny number of unfriendly people, too - but they are a truly tiny minority. Mostly, I find the people I meet as I wander about friendly.
So it was today, when I took my little walk and a car pulled up beside me. "How's Mr. Bill today?" I heard a friendly voice say.
It was Ben.
"It's my dad's birthday!" the bright and attractive girl beside him said. That was Ruth.
So today, Dan turned 52. Ruth is 13.
Happy birthday, Ben - for two more hours and five minutes.
This is all I am going to post for right now. As busy and preoccupied as I have been this weekend, I have still managed to take a few photos here and there, but I am dealing with an awful lot right now, so I will hold onto them for awhile.
Come Friday, I plan to catch up and make a post that will put everything in perspective.
And for the couple I met on Sunrise the other night as I was riding my bike - he on four-wheeler, she walking a horse whose red coat matched her red hair - I will post a couple of those pictures soon.
Reader Comments (2)
can't wait...i'm partial to redhead, my mom and son where redheads
Dearest, Sweetest Bill........I hope, by now, you are recovering comfortably. I'm sending every good vibe your way along with some love