That's a lot of moose; train rolling; red pistol; train rolling; Abby at the Grotto with close family

This was not the worst day I ever lived - nobody I loved died, broke their neck, or anything like that. But it was one, messed up, frustrating, depressing, f----- up day. I won't elaborate. Nor should I complain. It was a lot better day for me than a day experienced this winter by at least 455 moose who share their community with me, whether they want to or not. It says "winter" on this sign, but, coming the opposite direction another sign gives the same number and says, "since July 1."
However you look at it, that's a lot of moose - all killed on our local roads...
...and that number doesn't even take into consideration the number killed by the trains that roll through here. The moose really like to get on the tracks during the winter, which look like a nice, clear, path through the deep snow.
It's always nice to find myself sharing the road with pleasant and cheerful people - so long as they don't shoot and rob me. What happens when two of these guys meet each other? Each wanting to prove himself to be the toughest and baddest?
Good thing these two had a dog to follow. They might have gotten lost otherwise.
I post this picture as a reminder of the event I attended at Grotto Iona on Sunday, Father's Day. My coverage is still coming - either tomorrow or later today... no, no, I will finish it today but will wait until tomorrow to post it - unless I change my mind and decide to post it today.
Abby, her granddaughter Isabel, mother-in-law Jo and daughter Emily, at the Grotto Sunday for the funeral, barbecue and celebration.
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