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« That's a lot of moose; train rolling; red pistol; train rolling; Abby at the Grotto with close family | Main | Mosquito bitten face and other belated Father's Day images »

Wasilla Malibu on a scorching hot day - four drive-by studies touched by red: bikinis, fire hydrant, up a tree; jet, clouds; gift of firewood









This was yesterday (Monday), when a jet passed overhead, going north - perhaps all the way over the pole and down across Russia. How would I know? The weather was sunny and nice; warm.

This was today (Tuesday). The weather was scorching hot - in the seventies. This is what happens to clouds above Wasilla on scorching hot days.

And this is what happens to some Wasillans on scorching hot days. They go to Wasilla Malibu, expose their long pale skin to the sun as they try to cool off. They could jump in the water, but the water still had ice on it at the beginning of this month and is damn cold. Later in the summer they will jump in.

Wasilla Malibu is not an official name. It is my name for this stretch of shore along Wasilla Lake.

I shot these studies from the car as I drove by. I didn't look to see what was out there, because I was afraid I might get embarassed and not press the shutter button. So I kept my eyes on the road straight ahead, pointed my camera blindly out the window, let the camera decide what to focus on and fired a few frames as I drove by. I did not know what I had photographed until late tonight, when I downloaded today's take into Lightroom.

So, here is...

Drive-by study of Wasilla Malibu on a scorching hot day, #1: The Red Garbage Can

Drive-by study of Wasilla Malibu on a scorching hot day, #2: Red Bikini Top, Black Triangle

Drive-by study of Wasilla Malibu on a scorching hot day, #3: Someone Up a Tree as Man in Red Tank Top Observes

Drive-by study of Wasilla Malibu on a scorching hot day, #4: Red Fire Hydrant, Blue Spot

Earlier in the spring when it was still cold, my friend, Ron Mancil, read in my blog that I was out of firewood, so he decided to cut some and bring it to me. And today, he brought it. By the time we need it, it will be good and seasoned.

His friend, Doc, a guitar and banjo player, brought him. After the job was done, they drove off.

Reader Comments (3)

I remember those days! White as a halibut belly skin, wet suits to ward off the chill of the water, sun so far up in the sky- can't tell if it's noon or midnight. So fun! Now, why is that guy in the tree? Hmmmm.

June 20, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterangel

I looked at the bottom photos and all I could see was birch bark for crafting! So nice to get firewood for when it's needed. It's hot and stormy in Minnesota.

June 20, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNancy

You have the things that money can't buy: friends who bring you firewood, and 70 degree days to wander about Malibu. Not to mention adorable grandbabies, loyal black cats. And you are not a moose. All those things to celebrate!

June 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdebby

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