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« David Alan Harvey Loft Workshop, entry # 15: Times Square, p4: of cops and cameras, terrorists and criminals, in target #1 | Main | David Alan Harvey Workshop, entry 13; Times Square, p2: No, Sir, I did not take a picture of Priscilla's butt!!! »

David Alan Harvey Workshop, entry 14: Times Square, p3: amidst the chaos and clamor, glimpses of love, unabashed

We can always hope.

Surprised, anyone? 

What does it mean, when one closes her eyes while the other keeps his open? I don't know. The possible answers are many.

I spoke briefly with them. They are tourists from one of the northern European countries - I forget which one. I do not really know the nature of their relationship. They could be best friends. They could be something more. Whatever it is, it appears to be good.

I could have saved this shot for another post I will put up sometime between now and when I go to bed. I plan to title it, "Chosen from above" - but the truth is, until I actually post it, I cannot be 100 percent certain what I will title it.

When you see it, remember that these two were a part of it.

Love rapidly sketched out. I wonder why the artist switched their places around, moving her to the left, and him to the right?










All I can say for sure is that they are beautiful and there is a bond between them.

She loves her dolly too much to leave behind in the hotel, or whatever other place they might be staying.

Mother-baby love.

A time to comfort.








The wedding had apparently taken place elsewhere, perhaps in one of the Times Square churches - located a short distance away on two intersecting streets. Now the bride and groom had brought their parties to the square for picture taking purposes.


















Amidst the clamor and chaos that is Times Square, the photographer works to pose the bridal party.

Boy! That is one big camera bag he carries!




















The groom and his party pose for their official picture. And here am I, an interloping photographer, sneaking in a frame for my own purpose.

Brother and sister love - sometimes, there is and will be distance between them, but I bet that in the long run, it is the love that will win out. Of course, I cannot be certain of anything - even if they are actually brothers and sisters. If they are not, they are good standins, anyway.












No need for me to elaborate.

Reader Comments (3)

beautiful captures photos..there is nothing like genuine love

January 22, 2012 | Unregistered Commentertwain12

So sweet. Beautiful series.

January 22, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterangel

Twain - Right. Love is why we are all here and Love is what keeps us here.

Thank you, Angel and thank you for the candy and the balm. I will let you know what happens.

January 23, 2012 | Registered CommenterLogbook - Wasilla - Beyond

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