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« David Alan Harvey Workshop, entry 14: Times Square, p3: amidst the chaos and clamor, glimpses of love, unabashed | Main | David Alan Harvey Workshop, entry 12: Times Square, p1: Elvis gets angry but Naked Cowgirl seems OK with it; professional posers demand to be paid (warning: explicit content) »

David Alan Harvey Workshop, entry 13; Times Square, p2: No, Sir, I did not take a picture of Priscilla's butt!!!

Sometimes, I happen upon a scene and I do not see a picture immediately, but I see the potential for a picture. I think a picture is likely to happen soon, so I prepare myself. So it was when I found Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. She was standing there, her back to me, striking a pose, nothing happening. I framed the scene in my camera, so I would be ready when something did happen.

I fired off one frame that I knew would be worthless, because that is the kind of thing I do. Immediately, the good fellow to the left stepped into the frame and said to Priscilla:

"The guy behind you just took a picture of your butt!"

I reacted quickly and shot this image before the lie had totally left his mouth, so that I could document it.











Priscilla turned to look behind her and see who it was that had just taken a picture of her butt - but I had taken no such picture! Yet, in such a situation, one cannot explain such a thing, as to do so would be awkward indeed and would only make matters worse.

So, I just continued to shoot pictures as the man grinned his smug and warped grin as he continued to walk on by.


















Priscilla was cool and collected, unphased by it all. She continued to perform. She struck a new pose. My false accuser walked smugly out of the frame, feeling very pleased with himself.

















The little girl was most entranced.


Reader Comments (4)

Priscilla looks like a pleasant young woman...very pretty too, not much of a butt though ;)
O/T watching a show on Discovery called "Flying Wild Alaska"..i'm thinking of you and some of the things you write about (http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/flying-wild-alaska/)

January 22, 2012 | Unregistered Commentertwain12

Twain - true, but still she was very pretty from the tip of her toe to the hair atop her head and everything in between.

January 23, 2012 | Registered CommenterLogbook - Wasilla - Beyond

fantastic - even the billboards seem to cooperate here! Wonderful moment, Bill. The little girl's expression is priceless!

January 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterZun Lee

Zun - I asked the billboards to cooperate and the did. I'm just hoping against hope that somehow, this finds the gentlemen who triggered the sequence.

January 27, 2012 | Registered CommenterLogbook - Wasilla - Beyond

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