Three or four hours ago at the reindeer farm

We are at reindeer farm. Pumpkin day. Too hard to shoot and post. Signal weak, multiple post failures. More later. (I wrote the preceding at least three hours ago maybe four. A lot has happened since then. I am now at the gas station in Palmer, having pulled in with 1 mile to go before empty. There's still much to go in this day so we'll see how much I get posted from the reindeer farm or not, I don't know).
Well, I am home now, where I was able to copy and paste the above into this post. In less than two hours, I need to be in Chugiak, so I am not even going to worry about posting any more pictures today from our little outing in search of a Halloween pumpkin. I will make it my goal to post a selection tomorrow. I did snap a school bus image on the way home.
I will post it, but not for awhile yet, because I want this shot of Kalib and his cousins with the reindeer to remain at the top of the page for at least an hour or two, maybe three.
Text added at 4:44 PM. The Squarespace nightmare continues.