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Entries in Oscar (1)


Three in an auto; exhausted painted boy; the alms seeker and her calf

I have a number of stories coming together, but no time to edit, no time to post. In less than half-an-hour, we leave for the train station, where we will begin an 18 hour ride by rail to Pune. Anyway, here I am with Kruthika and Sujitha - off to do some pre-wedding shopping. Yes, this will be one of the little stories I will tell when time and circumstance allow.

Kruthika and Sujitha have wrapped their faces to protect them from the smoke and dust that will beset us on the drive to the place where we will shop.






After the shopping trip, we stopped at this tea shop where Sujitha treated Kruthika and me to a mango shake. Oh, it was good! I drank it too fast.

Then four people, including two children, came in all painted, as they had been participating in the holiday, Holi, which is more of a north Indian celebration than here, but still Holi celebrators could be spotted painting each other. This is Lavith Golechha, 3.7 years old, who had been celebrating hard.

A couple of hours ago, I heard a horn blow outside the house. It was this woman and her calf, seeking alms. Oscar, the family dog, grew overly excited.










The alms seeker. 





















Bhanu stepped through the gate and gave her the sari that now rests atop the calf, plus some coins.

Now I must pack up this computer and go!