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Entries in Natarajan (6)


Little Miss Vaidehi reacts to her nose and other noses, too




I have spent two very busy days with Sujitha - the first given to memorial and the second to some of her many wedding preparations. I will blog it all, but before my evening with Little Miss Vaidehi, her parents, grandparents and great-grandfather slips any further into the past, I will blog it right now.

Here she is, Little Miss Vaidehi, two-and-a-half, greeting her grandmother Vasanthi right after we arrive for dinner.



















Now she greets her grandfather, Murthy.

























She takes some time to show her grandmother some of her jewelry and makeup.






















She is a girl whose energy and movement never seems to slow - even when she takes a nap with her great-grandfather, Nataranja.

She tells grandma a wild story as great-grandpa showers her with affection.

She pinches her nose shut.

Then she pinches her grandmother's nose shut. It works pretty good, but she figures it could work better if she  had the right nose-pinching tool.

So she finds the exact tool she needed and uses it to better pinch shut the nose of her mom, Vidya. Thanks to our common love of animals, including cats but also polar bears, elephants and such, after I returned to Alaska from my first trip to India in 2007, Vidya and I frequently exchanged emails and sometimes we would chat.

Now, we seldom do either.

Know why?


Facebook brings us all together and at the same time, pushes us apart.

Communication, Vidya noted, has become a sentence or two here and there, punctuated by a click of the "like" button.














Next, Little Miss Vaidehi tries to clamp shut the nose of her dad, Vijay. He parries her attempts.

Sadly, it is time to go.












Goodbye! See you soon!


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