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Entries in Kalib (111)


Boys sneak away, try to heist 1957 Corvette; As of this afternoon, I am gone




Lavina had to be at work at 8:00 AM today, which meant

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I drive through hazards many and great to get to Margie's birthday party and Clinton's speech; winter - coming down the mountains

Yesterday was Margie's birthday, so, late in the afternoon, I headed into town. It was rainy and windy, although not as

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Taking care of the boys: chocolate chip muffin and milk; rocks and mud; Skype

For two days in a row now, I have taken Kalib to Metro Cafe at coffee break and treated him to half a chocolate chip muffin and a cup of milk. Yesterday, he scarfed it all down. Today, he drank all the milk but mostly played with the muffin. It was only after we got home that Margie told me she had fed him cheese and crackers shortly before we left.

After yesterday's muffin and milk, I asked Kalib if he wanted to go down to the river to throw rocks into the water. He shook his head yes. So we climbed back into the Ford Escape and headed toward the river. After we crossed the bridge, I turned the car to drive off the road and down the steep embankment so we could park. "Grampa!" Kalib protested. "Stay on the road! Grandpa! Stay on the road! We're going to crash!" 

Yet, we descended down the embankment and parked safely. I let him out of the Escape and he scampered off to the edge of the river and then under the bridge.











It is only right that little boys sometimes turn into muddy messes.























Kalib loved the river and the opportunity it gave him to get dirty and wet.

"Let's go see gramma now," I said after we had played at the river for a good 45 minutes - mayb even an hour. Kalib showed no sign of tiring of it.

"Gramma's watching a show," Kalib answered. He did not want to go, but finally he reached out his hand for mine and I led him back to the Escape. 

I buckled him in and he looked worried all over again. "Grampa," he said. "Get back on the road!"

So I pointed the Escape up the bank, then drove up and onto pavement.

"Good job, Grampa!" he praised.










Sure enough, we came home to find Gramma watching a show. Jobe too. Jobe had been napping when we left.

This evening, Jobe and Kalib Skyped with Mom and Dad down in Seattle. No one ever had to explain a thing about Skype to these boys. The moment they first saw it, back when we Skyped with Suji, they understood it instantly.

I took all but two of these pictures with my iPhone - so this is just the kind of world these boys will one day look back on with nostalgia for its old-fashioned simplicity.

Well, tomorrow is going to be a different kind of day - can't say I'm thrilled about it, but hopefully it will be for the best. It will definitely give me something new to blog about. I hope I do a good job with this new series I am about to begin. I can see two potentials - rather interesting, or kind of boring.

How is that for self-promotion?


Shame! Shame! Airplane passes over two boys in white trunks; two boys watch Thomas on TV

It was a true shame. Come 3:45 AM, I had actually fallen into a

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Mosquito bitten face and other belated Father's Day images

When I returned from Grotto Iona on Father's Day, I found that my

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