We surf beside a Catholic Church; the grandsons arrive for the wedding; Wedding venue finally set for tomorrow, 4:00 PM

Friends, I am too exhausted to post tonight, but tomorrow is the wedding day so I must post something. I will keep it simple. Today, for the first time in 40 years or so, I paddled a surfboard into the sea and caught a few waves. Not many, and I didn't do anything to brag about. In fact, I did not have the stamina to last very long and had to come back in before the young people did, but at least I got out on a surfboard with my youngest son and two of his friends on the day before his wedding.
Rex rented the boards and an instructor and set it all up.
I didn't take any pictures while we surfed because I do not have an ocean camera. When I came in ahead of the younger guys, I intended to get my cameras and photograph them but the cameras were locked inside Eddie's vehicle. I thought I might be able to get the keys out of the instructor's vehicle because he did have a photographer working on the beach, but I was wrong.
We surfed just in front of a tiny Catholic Chruch. After the boys came in, I got my cameras and took this photo through the window of the place where we had just surfed.
The church and the surf from the outside. If I am ever to paddle into the big waves and survive, I must get a whole lot stronger and more fit than I am right now.
I use my surgery as an excuse.
But I can't use it as an excuse forever.
There were more things to blog about from this place, including Lisa and Bryce and the turtle Lisa found, but I've got to get to bed. Lots to do, starting real early, including some absolutely vital work tasks that if I do not complete in the morning could cost me dearly.
Jacob, Lavina, Kalib, Jobe and Lynxton arrived this afternoon. We found them this evening.
The wedding venue is set:
Puako Beach at 4:00 PM, reception at Hapuna Beach at 5:00 PM.
I don't really expect any of you readers to show up, but as this was a spur of the moment, informal, thing on the part of Rex and Cortney, you are invited and if by some slim chance you happen to be in the vicinity at the moment, then feel free to come in whatever you are wearing.
Reader Comments (4)
ah yes you made it into the surf on a board. Hurrah! and Puakō Beach - good choice!!
Wish we could do it but finance prohibits, plus itʻs a workday. wishing the newlyweds all blessings.
Glad most of the family are able to be present...
Na akua ʻoe e hoʻomaikaʻi mai, ā e mālama mai.
[May spirit bless you and keep you.]
It's been probably 20 years since I have been on a bike -- maybe I will get enough courage to try at least around the block once or twice anyway this summer..... Congratulations, Bill, on your surf board time -- after what you've been through, you need to start by baby steps. Sounds like you did more than that yesterday. Today will be a big day for the newlyweds! Blessings on your whole family.
Wrong island for me Bill. If I was on the right one, I'd love to attend & meet you all, up close & personal. Great pics as usual. Grandsons clearly loving our beautiful warm waters & I suspect the rest of you are as well. :-) Have a great time & Congratulations to the happy couple & all the rest of you.
Hey Frostfrog, GREAT photos, have fun out there