Why the boat took on water

I mentioned how, on yesterday's first journey onto the Beaufort in search of bowhead, we had to come back to the island after Edward's boat started taking on water. The problem was compounded by the fact the bilge pump malfunctioned. I had to put my cameras aside in a safe place, grab a coffee cup and help Suvlu bail. After we reached the beach, I switched to Suluk's boat. Edward fixed the pump,went back out until the wind got too hard and the waves too rough. His boat continued to take on water but with the bilge pump working and the way he drove the boat, he was able to keep up with it. Back on shore, he hauled the boat out of the water, inspected the hull and found this crack.
Reader Comments (1)
Hope this boat goes in for repairs fast. No way to know how long bailing and pumping can keep ahead of the leak. Adventures!