Today before the wind picked up on the Beaufort Sea: Image 4 of 4

Isaiah spots another whale behind us. Isaiah is very good at spotting whales. Image 4 of 4. We never reached any of those whales and now the wind is blowing hard enough to make the ocean a dangerous place for a small boat. Before it did, I switched boats for awhile and got another little series that I might post tomorrow, when the wind is still forecast to blow. Please keep in mind that I am only posting iPhone images here but am doing my real work with my "real cameras" and will not be posting it. Although I just finished a Uiniq and do not yet have the funding to do another, I hope to make a Uiniq magazine dedicated to Cross Island. Uiniq is where I hope to show the work.
Reader Comments (1)
Whatever you choose to share is most welcome, Bill.
Who could have ever imagined I could be in a boat hunting for whales in the Beaufort Sea and trying to understand Isiah's hand motions ?
And here I have been doing just that, through your eyes and lens.
Thank you!
And thank you to the gentlemen you have been working with for allowing us to ride along with you all.