The mark of the late whaling captain remains and still helps his son in the hunt

Inupiat whaling captains always have a mark to designate who they are and what belongs to them and their crew. This crew was first started by Edward and Tommy's father Maniksaq Nukapigak in 1957 and he made his initials into his mark. Edward now uses his own initials, "EMN" - Edward Maniksaq Nukapigak - and marks his property accordingly. Even though his late father last whaled in the 1970's, the MN mark remains on the weapons and tools Edward inherited from him. Edward's nephew, Isaiah Nukapigak, holds a bomb point and fuse apparatus fired into the bowhead EMN landed two days ago and then retrieved during the cutting. These items would have come into Maniksaq Nukapigak's possession anytime between the late 50's through 70's and have been instrumental in the landing of a good number of whales.
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