Ready to fly the crew flag, Bryan prepares to boat back to feed the community

Bryan Nukapigak ties the EMN crew flag to his boat, now filled with portions from the whale which he is about to take back to give the village of Nuiqsut their first feed of fresh bowhead this season. While the gale force winds of the last two days are dying down the open ocean still roils with waves and whitecaps, but by staying between the barrier islands and the mainland and following the right channels, he can make it ok. The better picture by far happened shortly after when Bryan drove a ways out, circled back and then, flag flying, sped past the handful of people waving from the beach. I briefly schemed to shoot a few frames with a telephoto lens, then instantly switch to this phone and knock off one shot but decided better. Good thing, too - given the fog and the water droplets coating my lens, my focus locked in on only one shot of five. One is all I need.
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