The third surgery looms - what will be the fate of Obamacare?

Here I am, earlier today, about to walk to my surgeon's office at the end of this hallway. Those who were with me on my blog on June 30, 2012, will recall how I went through colon surgery. The fundamental surgery went well, but the incision became infected and blew apart. I then had to have emergency surgery and endure two more hospitalizations. Instead of the three-week recovery period I had been told to expect, I lost the entire summer of 2012.
I was left with a gigantic abdominal hernia. The doctor said he would repair it, but wanted to give me a year from the original surgery to regain my strength. I had lost the entire summer of 2012 and did not want to lose the summer of 2013. He said we could do it in February. Then Kivgiq happened in February. I could not miss Kivgiq. I have been going nonstop since and have had no time for surgery. Today, my surgeon told me It's got to be done soon or the muscle left around the hernia will be too degraded to work with.
As a self-employed person, I carried my own health insurance for over 15 years and invested about $150,000 into it. Then my insurance company forced me out before my colon problem was diagnosed. Thanks to the unusually good amount of work that has come my way over the past year, I have been able to carry the debt and still live decently, but it has been a bit of a nightmare. I was hoping to wait to get my next surgery until January, when I can enroll in another insurance plan, without pre-existing conditions, under the Affordable Healthcare Act - Obamacare. The doctor says I can probably make it until January.
Yet, there is a group of Obama-hating politicians with great health insurance plans paid for by my tax dollars who so badly want to prevent me from purchasing my own healthcare plan they would be willing to destroy the good faith and credibility of the United States government and tank the slowly recovering economy they have already hobbled.
Reader Comments (7)
In my thoughts!
My heart goes out to you, I so hope this will be worked out in such a way that the ACA will remain intact and embraced. My only regret is the insurance companies are still in the mix. I have friends in New Zealand, Canada and the UK who absolutely think our current health care systems are criminal. It amazes me when I hear people dismiss their systems as inadequate.
Those political criminals enrage me. They have no compassion or concern for the majority of americans who are one medical crisis away from financial devastation. I ask people to try and imagine a life with health security. We hear lies about taxes paid by countries with socialized medicine, lies about the quality of that care, lies about what will happen to the quality of our care if we implement health care reform. The reality is that for millions of people health care will now be an option- for my college age children and millions more. And it is my sincere hope that when these previously disenfranchised groups finally have access to medical care (which is NOT a privilege, it is a human right) they will stand up to these reprobate bullies and say "enough." Shame of every single politician who uses human lives as poker chips in a power struggle.
Bill, the Obama-haters are merely screaming impotently into the wind, they're behaving no differently than they always have, they're just getting more attention than before, and that's all they're after. Their obscenely-wealthy masters with all their hundreds of millions couldn't stop Obama in 2012 and they can't stop Obamacare in 2014- and that's because the majority of Americans are pulling for you, right behind the president who has made it his life's mission to lift up people exactly like you. You DO matter, very much.
You'll feel better if you unplug the TV. There are 96 days until January 1st.
So many posts! I felt as if I'd been away forever. Lynx is two. Bill is hurt. Carmen is robbed. Successful whale hunt. Bill and Margie have a date. My goodness. I cannot turn my back on you all up there.
Can't agree with you more! I hope you get your insurance and surgery. I can't understand how a group of people could be so self-centered.
especially since the government officials holding this up have nothing at all to lose...they already have their insurance. For life. We certainly can't afford to help the poor after paying for THEIR insurance. Get real! *rolls eyes*
Seriously Bill, it will happen, and after it does, future generations will look back and wonder what all the hullaballoo was about.