Jimmy positioned at work station #2

I have posted and will continue to post a good number of pics of Jimmy positioned at his workstation between my keyboard and my monitor. He does this to help me out, because he knows if I have to look around and over him to see what I am working on, I will look all that much more intently and thus will see more detail than I otherwise would have. He has a couple of other workstations in my office as well. This is one of them – curled up in the crook of my left arm. He knows that by occupying this spot he forces me to do everything with just my right hand – thus making me more careful and efficient. Thus he improves and refines my work. Plus, when I get in a tight spot somewhere else and lose half my capacity for whatever reason – say, a broken or malfunctioning camera or lens – then I have already trained and disciplined my mind and am better able to deal with that situation
Reader Comments (1)
Mr Bill,
Saw your photos in the October issue of Alaska Magazine!