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When it becomes a challenge to step around a few little pumpkins

It became apparent that the birthday boy needed a nap really bad. Plus, we knew it was time to go anyway. As for me, I suppose I really should have stayed home and not come at all. I am nowhere near recovered from my minor injuries. I doubt I slept more than 15 or 20 minutes straight even last night, the eighth night since I suffered my groin injury. Too much pain, that's why. I could not get comfortable, not even in my own bed. I took a good dose of legal, over-the-counter, drugs, too, but it didn't seem to help at all.

Still, I figured I could handle following the boys around at a fall festival looking for pumpkins. But I didn't quite grasp how difficult and injury–aggravating it would be to do simple things like step around pumpkins and reach inside a lurching cart driven by a wild two-year-old and his three-year-old brother to try to shut it down. So now I am hurting even more than I was when I boarded the plane in Nuiqsut to come home.

Yet, I'm still glad I followed the boys to the fall festival because if I had not, I would've missed it all. I don't like to miss things that I should be at. I should definitely be at my grandson's second birthday celebration.

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