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The two-year-old, the candles and the cake

And with this, I will end my coverage of Lynx's second birthday party. The celebration continues, but with these three rowdy little boys, I have a feeling it is just going to get too wild for public consumption. Lynx's birthday was my first major test of this iPhone 5S camera, from the overcast at the fall festival right down to this last candle-lit shot. I am never fully satisfied with any camera, but I am pretty pleased with this phone camera. I wish I had had it already on the Cross Island.

Reader Comments (4)

Happy birthday, Lynx! What a lucky little guy- how many two-year-olds get to celebrate by crashing a stolen vehicle into a dumpster?

September 21, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterViva

I can't believe he's two! I love watching these boys grow up.

September 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterManxMamma

I can't believe he is two! Seems like it was just yesterday he was strapped in his cradle board! I could have used cradle board when mine were two!

September 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMrsGunka

Sure enough - he's two. Hard for me to believe, too.

September 22, 2013 | Registered CommenterLogbook - Wasilla - Beyond

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