The feast

Before the first community feast from the second EMN whale began, Dora Leavitt (left, in black) milled through the crowd doing short video interviews on her phone - including one with me. Then to everybody's surprise and delight, she applied special effects that turned us all into cartoon characters and made us sound like chipmunks.
Laid out on that table are servings from all parts of the whale - meat, intestines, kidneys, heart, maktak... and because it was a small, round, inutuk, all the servings were especially tender and delicious. There are other tables and large pots laden with the same food beyond the boundaries of this picture. People will be coming in over the next few hours - past midnight to get servings for now and to take home for later. There will also be large community feasts at Thanksgiving, Christmas and next June's Nalukataq.
I believe the blessing of the food was the best shot I took at the feast, but that can be found only on my "real camera" take.
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