One hour ago they slept as battery died

My battery charge read one percent when I shot this picture over an hour ago, hurriedly wrote short text and tried to post it on a stretch of railroad track with weak signal, but the post failed. Then, before I could try it again, my phone died. Now we are in Lavina's new used car, heading back to the blue house where I will get into my car and drive home to Wasilla. I won't be there until after 1 AM. As fun as it is, I'm afraid the iPhone/Instagram/blogging technology is not yet up to live blogging an event of several hours. Of course, this phone is about two years old, and maybe the battery just can't hold its charge so long anymore.
Reader Comments (1)
There is such sweetness in this image. I have so enjoyed your trip to the fair and all the railroad action. I was reading a blog by a woman who is walking through the UK this summer and she uses a solar charger call the PowerMonkey that allows her to charge iPads and phones etc from any place she stops along her way. I put one on my wish list for Santa. Might come in handy when you are out watching the whales.