I take barefoot Lynxton on a 3 mile walk

Part one of two: Lynxton's mom called this morning to say it was time to bring him back. Surgery or no surgery, she had been separated from her baby for far too long and it was time for Lynxton to come home. I was just about to take my walk and I got to thinking, since he was going, it would be nice If he walked with me. But Lynx walks so slow and zigzags here and zigzags there and doubles back to look at this and stops to pick this up. Such a walk could take a year or two. Then, for the first time since he arrived, it suddenly dawned on me that there might be a stroller somewhere in the house. There wasn't, but there was one in the back of the car. I couldn't find his shoes so I strapped him in barefoot and off we went - me walking, him riding.
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