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How do we sleep in this searing heat?

How are we supposed to get any sleep tonight – in this searing, steamy, heat?! How? How? And how did we ever live in Arizona? I remember 122°! Or maybe it was 123! And here we are melting in Alaska! Seriously, how are we going to sleep tonight?

Reader Comments (2)

We wear funny-looking shortie pajamas guaranteed to make you sleep. If you believe, they work like magic.

July 30, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterViva

Some advice from the Palm Springs area where it hit 120 this summer and the humidity has been relentless on many days. It is not always a dry heat.

Pre- AC a friend told me she would wrap up her kids in wet sheets. They slept through the night and the sheets were dry in the morning.

A fan faced toward the wet sheets might make this an even better idea.

Good luck to all of you in the far north.

July 30, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDebbie

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