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Instagram just might get me on a regular blogging schedule: Three cords of wood, Lynx at the window

I stress the "might" part. I am not really happy with how either of these pictures turned out, but... I took the first one with my iPhone this morning just as Jim the woodman was delivering three cords of firewood. As a further experiment, I instagrammed the photo, wrote a short paragraph and then posted to Instagram within five minutes after I took it - maybe within three.

Then I drove to Anchorage to pick Margie up from her babysitting duties and bring her home. Lynx was looking out the window as I walked from the car to the house, so, continuing the experiment, I took this photo with my iPhone. Then, I stepped into the house, instagrammed it, wrote another short paragraph and then posted it to Instagram, again, within five minutes of having taken it.

Then, I took about one more minute and posted both pictures, without the short paragraphs, to this blog in draft form. I could have easily included the paragraph and added a title.

So it struck me that rather than let this blog languish altogether between Wednesdays, I could make short little Instagram posts, right from my phone, and it wouldn't take me that much time at all.

Maybe I will. 

In fact, I think will - for awhile as an experiment. Then on Wednesdays, and perhaps every now and then besides, I will post in my usual style.

Maybe it's a good idea, maybe its not. We'll see how it works out.

It's so quick and simple, I could wind up making more than one more post a day.

Reader Comments (4)

aww...give that little a BIG smooch!

July 18, 2013 | Unregistered Commentermom of grandsons

Does 3 cords of wood get you through the winter? How many SF are you heating? We used to use 5 cords for two stoves heating about 1600 SF -- in Maine. You must be well insulated.

July 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterWendy

I think that's a WONDERFUL idea! WOW -- we won't feel like we are interfering with your work life, but will have a couple of photos and a paragraph or two. AND we can look forward to Wednesday blogs as well.

Lynx is growing up way too fast!!!!!

July 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterNancy

Wendy - maybe you won't come back to this post, but if you do, I apologize for not answering your question until now. I tend to approve this comments on my phone, but don't like to respond to them on my phone. I thought of your question many times after I approved it, but never when I was at my computer.

No, three cords will not get us through the winter, but it's as much as I felt I could pay for right now - plus, we probably have a cord left over from last year. Our house is VERY WELL insulated. This could be enough, but I am going to try to pick up another cord in September or October.

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