The Daily School Bus: Okay, I believe I have just about got it

I did succeed today at really sleeping in, like when I was younger. I didn't get up until almost noon. I couldn't even eat breakfast at Abby's, because they close the breakfast grill at 11, but I needed the sleep. It was good to get it. I was so exhausted I think I was on the verge of physical collapse.
I have made some decent accomplishments today, including putting up a few experimental, not for publication, posts in Squarespace 6. I have much to learn about the broad capabilities of the platform and there are many, but I do have enough basics down to where I can make blog posts in close to the style my readers are accustomed to.
I have yet to try out the Squarespace 6 iPhone app. Before I can do that I must purchase and activate this trial version, which means I must then also quickly import my old blog into it and target it to my current address. I'm a little nervous about that. So I am going to wait until tomorrow when, hopefully, I can have the tech who has promised to help me stand by to be sure nothing goes wrong - or if it does to help me quickly correct it.
As for this schoolbus, I snapped it right after I stopped at the stop sign at the corner of Wards and Selden I was on my afternoon coffee break, coming home from Metro Cafe the long way with a coffee in my hand. Actually, I had pretty much drank all the coffee by the time I reach the stop sign. There were maybe three or four drops left in the cup, that's all. I wasn't holding the cup anymore, either. It was in the cup holder. So the coffee was not in my hand at all.
I am truly, truly, hoping that this post will be the last I ever do in Squarespace 5. Anyone who dropped in here in the last 15 or 20 minutes would have found a title over an empty post. Yet, I had tried to post it from my phone twice, and both times the picture had failed to appear. I finally had to email the image to myself, open it in my computer, resave it and then upload it into the blog and resize it.
So, you see, even the Squarespace nightmare is theoretically over, it has hung in there to this, which, one way or another, I intend to make my final post in Squarespace 5.

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