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Hey slug! This heatwave won't last forever

Slug! What are you doing?!! How could you grow so lackadaisical? Slither! Slither! Slither! Slither away to wherever you hole up for the winter. This is not normal, you know. Wasilla ground tends to be frozen by now. Solid. And it used to be that the surface of Wasilla lakes would all freeze over right about now, too. Even in this time of climate change, this heat-wave will not last forever. You had better find your winter home fast or you will become an icetube.

Sent from my iPhone*



*I knew it was risky, but since the email workaround Squarespace had given me to fill the gap while they allegedly fix the photo-stripping bug in their iPhone app had worked this morning, after working once and failing twice yesterday, I went ahead and used it again on my coffee break and attempted to post the above post with the slug picture. I made two attempts. The Squarespace email workaround stripped the picture from my post both times. So I have now made six tries with the Squarespace email workaround. Two have succeeded, four have failed - a failure rate of 66 2/3 percent. My fellow blogger Conchscooter from the Florida Keys informs me he has used Google's much maligned blogspot host since 2007, has posted close to 3300 essays and makes frequent use of google's blogsy app, all with great success and without having a misfire that removed even one picture. This makes good sense, as Google is free while Squarespace charges a fee. You do get what you pay for - if what you pay for is frustration, aggravation, huge amounts of wasted time and failed posts.

Reader Comments (3)

Essence of slugness. Super picture. Here in Maine, some chubby ones have been showing up in my cellar. On the stone walls. They know winter is coming ....

October 14, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterwendy

Wendy, those slugs showing up in your cellar - they are smart slugs.

October 16, 2013 | Registered CommenterLogbook - Wasilla - Beyond

I love your slug. I also love Google / Blogspot after almost 4 years and almost 3000 posts. You do not deserve all this grief, even though I like the school buses too.

October 17, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterkathy in KY

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