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Kalib comes out to visit: "I'll do what I want to, not what I'm told!" And then there was trouble!

I drove into town to pick Margie up and then Kalib decided he wanted to come back with us, hang out at his grandparents and play with trains - as if there are no trains to play with at his own house! We were glad to have him come. As he played with trains, Thomas the Train played with his friends on "On Demand" TV. One of of Thomas's friends is named Percy. Percy is green and he is kind of a little guy. Another friend is named Gordon. He is painted much like Thomas and is the biggest and strongest steam engine of them all. In one episode, which we have seen maybe 5000 times, he rolls down the track shouting, "Out of my way! Express coming through!"

Poor Percy. He wants to be like Gordon. So he gives it a try. "Out of my my way!" he shouts, "Mail coming through!"

Amazingly, other trains do get out of his way. Percy likes this, so he shouts out, "I'll do what I want to, not what I'm told!"

Pretty soon, this leads to my favorite line that can be heard in all or almost all Thomas episodes:

"And then there was trouble!"

I won't tell you what happens next, just in case you haven't seen it. I don't want to be a spoiler. But there sure was trouble, alright.

As for Kalib, he has been no trouble at all.

What a delight it is, to have him here!

BTW: That's Gordon, #4, who Kalib pushes down the table as Gordon watches from the TV.

Reader Comments (5)

Such a delight grandchildren are! He is growing up so quickly though.....

January 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterNancy

And then he will be 16 and Thomas the train won't be near as fun as driving dad's car. They grow up so fast. Enjoy the trouble when they are little!

January 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMrs Gunka

I'm well past middle age, and I still love playing with trains. Some of us never grow up.

January 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterWakeUpAmerica

Yes, Nancy and Mrs. Gunka.

Altogether too fast. As did you and I.

WakeUpAmerica - Me too!

But then you probably have already picked up on that.

January 19, 2013 | Registered CommenterLogbook - Wasilla - Beyond

Ada's favorite is Percy. Thora likes Percy as well, so Khena and Vivek had to buy a second Percy. The peace must be kept!

January 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLittle Sister

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