Briefly back in the Wasilla routine: Tim and cowboy cup at Abby's; two dogs on ice; picture viewing at Metro Cafe

Guess where I had breakfast today? Yep! Abby's Home Cooking. As you can see, Tim joined me. He told me some pretty good stories about a job down in Tyonek that he just came home from - fixing a bridge that washed out during the fall floods that struck while I was in Barrow. He worked in temperatures in the -30 range. The people of Tyonek were real happy to get the bridge fixed.
Some of the elders would come out in their pickup trucks to watch the work and to nod their heads in approval.
Of course it got pretty warm after that.
Rain fell.
It could have flooded again, but thank goodness it didn't.
We also talked a bit about Facebook, because I decided to make his coffee cup my next profile picture. Tim was on Facebook for awhile, but no longer. "Instead of me managing Facebook, Facebook was managing me," he explained. So he got off. Facebook still comes after him, though.
Margie, of course, is far away in Anchorage. I could not have breakfast with her.
You can see how warm it got. The warmth and rain really wreaked havoc on the snow. Fortunately, it is cooling off again.
It is not cold - it's warm enough to snow and as you can see, by the time I got to Metro Cafe a fair amount of new snow had fallen. I wanted a whole bunch to fall, but it has already stopped.
I don't know what kind of pictures Scott, family friend of Carmen and Scot, is showing her. Carmen showed me some professionally done pictures of herself and her family taken on the West Caribbean Cruise - real prints, glossy, printed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. There were some pretty good pictures, too, including Branson frolicking with a dolphin - moments now become memories to savor for the rest of her life.
As you can see, I am back in the Wasilla routine, but I won't be in it for long.
I never am, am I?
And I still have some images and stories from Utah I want to blog.
But I am cutting down on my blogging - to save time.
Where do I find the time?
As simple as this post is, not withstanding the fact I left out all kinds of stuff, it still took me more time than I can afford right now.
Yet, I've been pretty damned lazy all day. That's because I worked really hard all day yesterday from 9:00 AM until a bit past 2:00 AM this morning. I had a big creative surge. But once I was done, I was terribly sore from all that sitting. And I was spent. My energy was gone. Just completely gone.
But I sure got a lot done yesterday!

Reader Comments (2)
So glad you had a really productive day! Thanks for blogging today..... I sometimes have productive days, followed by non-productive ones when I seem to get not much done. Unfortunately, as we grow older, we seem to have less and less time and the days seem to fly by.
So true, Nancy!