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Discipline to take the big bite - sadly with Coke, not Pepsi

Regular readers will recall how I lost 33 pounds in the first two months following my surgery. Then, once my body figured out it could really eat again without sending me back to the hospital for another round of emergency surgery, I went nuts. I turned into an eating machine, each meal or snack giving way to a fantasy of the next.

At my last doctor appointment last week, I had gained back 10 pounds. I decided that was quite enough to gain back and I should just hold it there.

But it ain't easy. I still want to eat and eat and eat and I seem to have gained an endless capacity to do so. Stuff me with food, then lay a big, new, feast in front of me and I am ready to eat again.

Yesterday, I had ham and eggs and hashbrowns for breakfast and for lunch Cheerios with half a nectarine and banana cut into the bowl and of course I also ate the remaining fruit halves once the Cheerios were gone. Come coffee break time, I added a huge, chocolate-chunk cookie to the 12 oz. Americano, which came with cream and two packets of raw sugar.







Come dinner time, I decided I had better take it easy. I ate two raw carrots and one small Chobani blueberry yogurt. 

But I just wasn't satisfied. I felt like I needed some meat.

"I will go to McDonald's," I told myself, "and buy a hamburger - no fries, no soft drink."

So off I went to McDonald's and got in line.

But damnit, when the time came it seemed rude to have kept all those people waiting in line behind me to buy just a hamburger. So I ordered a double-quarter pounder with cheese meal, which comes with fries and Coke. If I had known I was going to order a soft drink, I would have gone somewhere else, some place with Pepsi.

But I thought I was just going to have water.

I did pretty good after I got home. I took my longest post-surgery bike ride yet - about 5 miles. 

Afterward, I had some dark chocolate - but only three pieces. Doves, you know, the ones that come in the little cubes, wrapped in red foil.

I love that dark chocolate!

I will have some more tonight...

Reader Comments (4)

you cracked me up with the dove chocolate ...enjoy!!!

September 12, 2012 | Unregistered Commentertwain12

Good for you!

September 12, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterkathleen

Easy does it Bill! I lost 63 pound with my cancer. Was glad I had it to lose. Lived on saltines and water for almost 6 months. Once the chemo and nausea was gone, I could have eaten the paper off the walls! It sneaks back on very fast! By the looks of that line at McD's, does anyone stay home to eat in Wasilla?

September 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMrs Gunka


September 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterannette

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