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I drop Margie off to babysit, then hit the road south: five images from the car, beginning with the train, ending with the patriot scripture quoter

As the record makes clear, I did not post yesterday. In the morning, as has become the norm for Mondays, I drove Margie to Anchorage to enable her to spend the week through Thursday babysitting grandkids, mostly Lynxton. Along the way, we passed this tourist train, hauling sightseers north.





May was a most stressful month and June will be too, but for different reasons. After I dropped Margie off, I just needed to go. Finally, it seemed that I could afford to fill the gas tank, so I went - all the way to Seward.

It seems one can never drive anywhere this time of year without construction delays. I believe this one may have been to repair damage done from a rock slide.

It was beautiful out there, on the Seward Highway, in the midst of the Kenai Peninsula.

Maybe not everybody thought so.

The officer with his back to me seemed to be very carefully demonstrating the walking technique of placing one foot in front of the other.

In the evening, as I rolled back into Wasilla, I saw a patriot flying the flag and by sign quoting scripture which quotes Jesus. As a true patriot flying the flag of a nation founded on religious freedom, the message this driver, flag-flier and public scripture-quoter sends to me is that, while he has chosen to follow whatever brand of Christianity he embraces, he would do whatever is necessary - even to lay down his life in defense of freedom and nation - to protect the rights of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Mormons, followers of various Native beliefs, Jews, Athiests and others who believe differently than he to worship and practice according to the dictates of their own conscience.

That's what it means to fly the American flag.

Reader Comments (5)

I like your interpretation of the truck with the flag and scriptures.

June 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterManxMamma

I like that interpretation as well, although, 'round here when you see that sort of thing, that interpretation is likely to get you an ass-whupping.

June 6, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdebby

"that interpretation is likely to get you an ass-whupping."

Hmmm... sounds un-Christian as well as un-patriotic.

We have some Christians running around who honestly believe that Jesus wants them to open a can of whup ass on the non-believers (which can be translated to 'he who believes differently' )

June 7, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdebby

Debby, methinks these are Christians who are not Christian, but only call themselves that. Sorry for the delay in approving this. My host seems to be malfunctioning a bit lately. It usually notifies me I have a new comment to approve, but sometimes it doesn't.

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