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Tulips? Jobe delights in the wreck; dog fails to come through; frolic at the side of the road





When I took Margie to the airport to go to Arizona not quite two-and-a-half weeks ago, we stopped by Jacob and Lavina's house and there were still patches of snow in their yard - this despite the fact Jacob had shoveled most of the snow off.

Our snow out here was gone, but there was still frost a number of mornings.

So I was pretty stunned to see these tulips in bloom when I dropped Margie off to babysit yesterday.

I didn't get a chance to talk to anybody about them, but they must have bought them already grown and transplanted them.

I stepped briefly inside to find Jobe delighting in another train wreck.










I stopped at the post office to see if by any slim chance someone had sent me a check. No one had. This dog informed me that he had tried, but since he had no thumbs, he had not been able to sign the check, put it in the envelope, address the envelope or affix a stamp.

Damn dog's always got one excuse or another...

Even at its most sane, Alaska tends to lean towards insanity - insanity being as fun as it is.

Reader Comments (3)

You mostly make me smile. Thank you! Life is good and I am grateful to be an unknown friend.....someone you meet and greet everyday without you even knowing it. The internet is a wonderful place with you in it.

May 30, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNancy

hate waiting for cheques..lovely tulip

May 31, 2012 | Unregistered Commentertwain12

Hi Dad~
Those tulips greet us every spring/summer...it came with the house.
The boys went out with Jacob and I was in the kitchen when they returned, they each gave me a tulip, seal with a kiss from both of them...it was so sweet!

May 31, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermom of grandsons

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