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Lynx at IHOP on Tudor Road in Anchorage

Doubtless, readers by the thousands of millions will be studying this picture and will be wondering why I was eating breakfast yesterday afternoon with Lynxton and his dad at IHOP on Tudor Road in Anchorage. I assure you, it was not because I was lazy and had slept in until afternoon and then decided to drive to Anchorage for breakfast with cute little Lynx.

No, I was up very early yesterday and I arrived in Anchorage very early, but was unable to eat a bite of food until afternoon. I think it likely that the answer will not only become very clear in this blog very soon, but is also likely to dominate the content of this blog for awhile, but I cannot divulge it just yet.

I can say this - everything went very well with Red Nose's heart surgery in Tucson. He went into surgery with the doctors giving him a 50 percent chance of coming out alive, but he did come out alive and in pretty good condition, considering. He has been improving since and Margie is ready to come home - hopefully tomorrrow.

That's it, for now. I doubt I will blog much this weekend. Maybe one picture a day, plus a few words of nonsense.


Reader Comments (4)

It is wonderful that Red Nose is now recovering. It must have been difficult. I wish Red Nose, Margie and her family well.

Lynx looks so much bigger. Boy, these boys are really sprouting up quickly.


Yesterday, I had an unexpected experience while watching the movie "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" starring Maggie Smith and Judi Dench among others.

I knew I would enjoy this movie, but it wasn't until the British folks arrived in India that my mind kept flitting back and forth from your photos/narratives of both of your trips to India and what the actors were experiencing. There was a certain familiarity with a place I had never been.

It was as if your photos had morphed into moving pictures and had come alive...elephants on the roads, baggage carried on the head, the vehicles, vivid colors, crowds, bands, and of course, trains, etc.

Because of your blog, I think I had not only a better feel for the country, but was almost in the moment with the actors.

As we all know, your photography is powerful. For me, it ended up enhancing my movie experience tenfold.

Thank You... :)


May 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMirage

great to see Lynxton

May 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commentertwain12

Hahahahaha! I forgot the newest grandson was named Lynx. I thought I might see a real lynx traipsing by the restaurant. LOL

May 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterWakeUpAmerica

Mirage - I'm glad my blog added some meaning to the experience.

Twain - great to see you, too!

WakeupAmerica - I figured that might happen for a few readers. I'm glad you came by!

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