Nuyaagiq leaves the whales in her mother's car

This is the very last picture that I took today and that is why I chose it - because it is very easy to find the last picture you took. You just go to the end of your take and there it is. You don't have to do any picture editing or look at any others. Plus, I knew the subject of my last picture to be a cute one - and beautiful, too. Pretty smart, I will also bet.
This is three-month old Nuyaagig, also known as Annabel Rose Kalayauk, daughter of Riley and Megan Kalayauk. Her mom gave me a ride back to where I am staying from the site where three whales were landed today, which finishes a very short fall whaling season for Barrow, unless unused strikes from other villages get passed on.
I will see if I can find the time tomorrow or over the next couple of days to do some kind of picture edit and post from the past three days - but I won't promise. I took many pictures, I still have more pictures to take and other things to do as well.
Plus, I am very worried about these images. You will note the foggy haze, which is kind of okay here as it gives a soft focus effect and that can work okay on babies, but, from the very first image I took, I found myself dealing with either with condensation or water and salt spray on the front elements of my lenses. I cleaned them off I don't know how many times but after awhile it just didn't seem to do any good.
So I think probably I will find this kind of hazy fog on just about all the pictures I took over the last three days. I wish I were a rich man, because I know the lenses I used are never again going to be quite as good as they were before this shoot began. This would not be so big of a problem if I could just buy new lenses whenever I do something like this.
And I fully expect the new camera I bought just before coming up here to go down sometime in the next couple of months and then I will have to send it to Canon and get it repaired for how many hundreds of dollars?
This has happened to me so many times!
The cameras never really got that wet - just a few drops now and then - but even though they are such good cameras they go down all too easy when they get around moisture, especially when salt is involved.
Still, I will try to go through them and put up some kind of post before too long.
And I have greatly enjoyed the last three days. Greatly enjoyed.
There is no other place on earth like this place up here.
What a privilege it is to experience it.
added on, 10:16 PM: Actually - Nuyaagiq didn't leave the whales in her mother's car. Those whales wouldn't even fit into her mother's car. Not even one whale would. Not even the smallest whale. It would crush her mother's car.
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