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« David Alan Harvey Loft Workshop, entry 3: Subway break | Main | The David Alan Harvey Loft Workshop, entry 2: It begins casually but at sunset, David puts the pressure on me; lament for a pig »

Near present interlude - today, a raven hopped off a street light in Wasilla

Yesterday, the plug-in extension to the engine block heater in our Ford Escape fell off. For those of you who live in warm climates and don't know about this, this a device that allows you to plug your car in when it is cold and keep some warmth in the engine block. By eliminating the bitter cold start when your oil is thick it helps to lengthen the life of your engine and it also reduces the amount of pollution spewed out in a cold-start and warmup.

So today I dropped it off at Mr. Lube to get a new plug-in extension. I knew it was going to take awhile and I have not had a haircut or beard trim since I was in New York, so I walked to a barbershop about one mile away.

I shot many pictures walking to and fro, but it is now 6:01 PM and if I am going to keep my David Alan Harvey Loft series going, I need to get this posted fast so I can get start pulling together the photos for the next segment.

So, along the way, I soon came upon this raven, sitting on the street light above me, calling out to its peers.

Then the raven jumped...

...tucked its wings to dive and pick up speed...

...then spread its wings to enhance its airfoil...

...flapped and flew away.


Reader Comments (3)

Brilliant pic.... finally U showed the Raven who the Big Boss is afterall!!?? :)

January 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSuji

great pictures

January 5, 2012 | Unregistered Commentertwain12

Thank you, Suji. I appreciate the confidence, but I know I will never get the best of a raven. I think that is one reason why Soundu loved them so - because they are smarter than all of us, now matter how smart we think we are.

Twain - Thank you. Whenever I photograph a raven now, I think not only of Sandy, but also of you, and your son.

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