A blog by Bill Hess

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Entries in Lynx (97)


Logbook: Wasilla to Nuiqsut, ultimate goal Cross Island, Entry 1: Rush

Rush, rush, rush! Claw away at last minute computer tasks, do this, do that. Pack everything. Double check camera gear. Forgot something. Find it, pack it. Herd Margie (who has also rushing and packing for me) and Lynxton into car. Go!


An angry Lynxton heads for Texas

The one who didn't go to the fair... He is so angry about it he just jumped into the car and drove off to Texas. It's going to be pretty hard, living around here without a car while Lynxton galavants all about Galveston, Houston, Dallas and Ramon in our Ford Escape.


The empty nest…?

As I have written before, about a week ago Caleb moved out of the house and into an apartment with Monica. For the first time since Jacob was born on December 5, 1974, this left Margie and me living in a house all by ourselves. We are now "empty nesters." And yet, somehow, the nest does not feel all that empty.

"A little birdie landed in it," Margie explains.


His new used car

Lynxton just showed up with his mother driving his new used car for him. We are taking it on a test drive to get some coffee.


Logbook: Barrow to Wasilla, entry 4: Anchorage: I drive from the airport into town and pick up a woman.

I have to work my way through a wild grandkid to get to her.

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