A blog by Bill Hess

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First entry - test

This is not the real picture - this is just a test.

Well, actually, it is the real picture. When I first placed it here a few hours ago, it actually was just a test. Not long afterward, it looked like I had this new blog all ready to go. I had the pictures that I planned to draw from in my editor. I was going to make my edits, process and place the pictures, write the text and post brand new material in my brand new blog in this brand new year of 2012.

And then, suddenly, I went to make one little correction at the top of the sidebar and EVERYTHING that I had been working on disappeared. That was two-and-a-half hours ago. With a significant amount of help from Alex at Squarespace support, everything is finally restored and it looks like this blog is ready to go.

But it is 2:07 AM, about -20 F (-29 C)* outside, the fire is just about burned out, I need to clean the kitty litter, pile the blankets onto the bed, make room in those blankets for the kitties to tuck themselves in and then go to bed myself.

I have already kissed Margie goodnight and I am sure she is asleep now.

So, anyway, I decided just to leave the test picture as the first picture of my new post.

I suspect that almost everyone who will show up here to read this post will be people who read my final post in Wasilla, Alaska, by 300 and then some.

In that case, you will already have viewed this picture in that final post. Please take a look at it again, and then take a look at this again. Then you will see why I had to start anew. I should have done so long ago.

After I get up, I will make at least one more New Year's Day post - maybe two. I suppose three is possible, but I doubt it.

This blog will be on the move - with many refinements to be made.

The sidebar is empty now, but it won't stay that way.


Happy New Year!


* And don't forget, this is not one of the cold regions of Alaska. Out there in the cold regions I can pretty well assure you that temperatures are in the -30's, -40's and -50's. I wouldn't be surprised to hear it hit -60 somewhere.

Even so, Margie is getting lonesome for Arizona right now.

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