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Entries in Jobe (115)


A tale of two Dusty airplanes and the grandson and grandfather who loved them

Remember that day, back in August I believe, when I stopped in at the blue house and found Jobe playing with Dusty, a toy cropduster from the movie Planes? Remember how I liked it so much that on my way home I stopped at Target and bought myself a Dusty of my own, along with Skipper, the WW II Navy Corsair character from the same movie? Do you recall how I put those little planes in a place where the boys would not see them when they came out because I knew they would want to play with them and I wanted to keep them in top-notch condition? Well, Kalib found them. As it turned out, Jobe had broken his Dusty on the drive out today and had been heartbroken by the loss. I told him he could go ahead and play with my Dusty, but he had to be careful with it. He interpreted this to mean I had given my Dusty to him. He was thrilled, his broken heart turned into a happy one.


Something mysterious and unknown up in the bare branches

When I came home from photographing the live moose and then the dead moose, I found a copper moose standing on my front porch along with three boys who poured out the door to greet me. I had not seen them since the beginning of the week, but their mom had brought Margie home from babysitting and they had come along."What's that?" Kalib shouted, pointing up into the branches. I looked up, half expecting to see the same eagle I had seen down at the river but all I saw was bare tree branches. 

Note: As I took this picture at home near my computer, I bypassed the Squarespace app due to all the problems, headaches, delays and wasted time Squarespace has been inflicting upon me. It should be noted, however, that doing it this way takes considerable more time than it takes with the app - when the app actually works.


Reluctant departure, part five – final: they depart

I heard his mother speak the words, "lemonade," and "circle store," and then Kalib voluntarily went out the door and to the car. Jobe then emerged from some dark corner of the kitchen and followed. That's Jobe, in front of the headlight. If you look closely to his right you will see his patient mother in the shadows.


Reluctant departure, part one: invisible boys

I back up to yesterday evening, when it came time for the boys to depart. Kalib and Jobe wanted to spend another night here. When they were told it was time to go, they turned off the light in the TV room and then positioned themselves in front of the glowing box in such a way that they thought they might not be so visible to parents anxious to leave.


A worrisome matter?

Thus far today, the boys have been very well behaved. This worries me just a little bit.

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